If you have never tried phone dating you are missing out on a great way of meeting people and making genuine connections. You can also meet a person who has the same needs as you do.

There are hundreds of people on the chat lines and they are ready to talk and get to know you. You can meet one special phone friend and build a steady deep relationship until you both want to meet in-person or you can have flings on the phone and experience phone sex and unique sexual fantasies.

There are no wrong ways to experience the phone lines and as there are many people, you do not have to worry if one conversation reveals that there is not a good or strong connection just move to the next call.

There are many reasons why people get involved with phone dating and there are also some assumptions that we should put to rest, as they are completely false. Below you will find out what some of the assumptions are and why they are not true.

Assumption One: Only people who are afraid of in-person dating use chat lines. This couldn’t be further from the truth, as you can find every personality under the sun over the chat lines.

There are extroverted people who love talking and there are shy folks and there is every kind of person in-between. You should really see for yourself and try it out!

Assumption Two: Your phone call is being recorded and other people are listening in. This is also something that can and needs to be squashed right away. Your calls are 100 percent private and no other people are recording or listening in. That’s a guarantee.

Your calls are also anonymous until you tell the other person who you are and how to reach you outside of the chat service. This allows for safety and privacy.