If you are single and looking to mingle, you may have met some beautiful couples that have put naughty thoughts in your head. If you are a single person that is willing to play with or date a couple, there are some things that you should know to make your experiences much better.

First off, if you are just starting on this journey you will want to be aware that there is a learning curve. The dynamics that already established couples have created can sometimes be fairly set in place, and it can take time and communication to be another voice in the dynamic.

Determine what your needs and wants are, and keep in mind that they may vary or evolve over time or with each couple that you are involved with.

Secondly, decide whether you want to meet each person in the couple individually first, or meet them together. Some couples will only date as a couple, while others will date as individuals.  For couples that date as individuals, if both of connect with you then it may be possible that all three of you could date.

Thirdly, ask questions. Some couples will go on dates individually but only do sexual activity with other people as a couple. If this is not what you are looking for, and you do not ask, you could go through a number of dates before you realize they aren’t what you are looking for.

This can be resolved through good communication earlier in the process. While it may not be first date conversational material, it is best to communicate about these things earlier rather than later.

With so many options and a focus on talking and communicating, phone dating hotlines are a top way to find couples to date. Some couples on phone dating chat lines will share one profile, while some will have two individual profile that they use. With so many possibilities to explore, it is exciting to help find your ideal match. Let’s get started.