When on our phone dating or phone sex hotline, you may come across a situation where people want to date or play as a couple. Or maybe you are part of a couple that is looking for a third person to date or have casual sex with.

With two bodies in play, safe sex can be fairly straightforward. When you add a third body to the mix, things can become quite a bit more complicated. For this blog, we will be talking about Male-Female-Female threesomes and strategies you can use to increase safety when it comes to sexual activity.

Limiting bodily fluid contact can be more difficult in threesomes. Places from which contact with bodily fluids are most likely are hands, mouths, penises, vaginas, and genital to genital contact. Toys are another thing that fluids could come in contact with other people through.

First off, it is perfectly ok to take a quick break from the fun to wash the outside of your mouth, hands, or genitals with the appropriate kinds of soap.

Let people know where you are heading and make sure to use a cleanser that will actually and disinfect the bodily fluids on the body. If you find one that doesn’t taste bad, even better. Washing your hands, mouth, and genitals can be one way to help limit contact.

Secondly, condoms are a thing. So are gloves. Protective barriers are important, and if you buy them in bulk, they can be fairly inexpensive. If you are not sure whether a condom is safe to use on the person you are about to use it on, get another.

Be careful when removing and replacing condoms not to be messy with the liquid on it (or in it) Sometimes it may make sense to have a person that is not you put the new condom on, if you have your or another person’s fluids on your hands..