Dating gives you many opportunities to sneak in music to help set the mood or ambiance. This is also great to do while on the phone with a new friend.
The music can help set the background of what’s to come. Deciding what music to pick doesn’t have to be tricky at all. Just remember that it should add to the experience and even show some of your personality.
For background music, you can pick a number of different songs and varieties. Keeping it at a lower volume just in case your phone date doesn’t have your exact taste is recommended.
You can have multiple playlists for each mood to get set the background. You can turn on some slow jams, RNB, or romantic music for a sweet transition into phone sex or love. You can have light and lyricy music when you first meet someone.
On the phone if you have a phone friend that you speak with consistently you can learn about his or her favorite tunes and make a playlist just for them. It’s amazing what music can do. So take your time and show bits of your personality through your music choices.
Pick your favorites and see how your phone date responds. This could be a fun dating idea where you and your phone date switch back and forth to pick music for the background. There can be a whole conversation about music selection and choice. This can start a beautiful relationship surrounding music and sound.
If you have yet to try phone dating, what are you waiting for? It’s free and easy to get started and there’s no limit on which you will meet and the connections you may make. Try it out and see what happens and if it is the right dating platform for you, keep coming back!